Cargill recognized for sustainability initiatives and employee engagement, receives two prestigious awards in Vietnam

Dually awarded as one of Asia’s top employers and most responsible corporate citizens, Cargill Vietnam was recently presented with two awards that demonstrate its long-term commitment to doing business in Vietnam and helping the country thrive.
In recognition of its Corporate Responsibilities and Sustainability credentials, Cargill was awarded with the prestigious Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư Top 50 Corporate Sustainability Award (TOP50 CSA). The recognition aims to honor companies that have contributed to sustainable development, environmental friendliness, and social justice within Vietnam.
Identifying corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a vital component in helping enterprises move toward a sustainable future by recognizing efforts, TOP50 CSA aims to raise awareness of the private sector business community about the role of sustainable businesses, as well as to foster and raise awareness of civil servants and public employees in supporting sustainable businesses. The TOP50 winners have been diligently assessed through five criteria, including business/manufacturing indicators, strategy for sustainable development, corporate governance, environmental protection, and community & social responsibility.
According to Mr. Luan Nguyen, President, Cargill Vietnam the award recognized Cargill’s purpose to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way. “Our purpose undersigns all that we do and all that we stand for at Cargill Vietnam. As a company we strive to turn challenges into actions and to direct these actions at the betterment of farmers, the betterment of Vietnam’s natural resources, and ultimately contribute to the betterment of Vietnam.”
In Vietnam, Cargill’s commitment to improving the livelihoods of animal farmers and changing people’s lives through education aligns with both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, and Vietnam’s own stated climate objectives and commitment to fulfilling five of the 17 UNSDGs by 2030. To date, through training workshops and employee-led initiatives, the company has benefitted over 1.7 million farmers and built 105 schools in 51 provinces in Vietnam benefitting around 16,500 children annually.
Cargill’s dedicated team of environmental health and safety professionals at each of its 20+ facilities were noted by the judging committee as one of the key drivers for its decision to bestow the award upon the company. Under the dedicated governance of this team, Cargill Vietnam has 100% of its ordinary solid waste and industrial solid waste collected, sorted to be recycled by the professional waste treatment companies; 100% of wastewater collected and treated. It has measures to monitor and manage energy saving costs, a long-term strategy for reducing plastic in product packaging and adopting renewable energy to help support the company’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its worldwide operations by 10% by 2030 and realize the ambition to have the most sustainable food supply chains in the world.
Cargill Awarded as the Top Employer in Asia in 2022
Also announced last week was the HR Asia Top Employer Award in recognition of Cargill’s commitment to its team. This is the second year in a row in which the agricultural leader has been acknowledged as one of Vietnam’s – and one of Asia’s – best places to work. The HR Asia Best Companies to Work Awards is a recognition program for organizations that have been identified by their employees as one of Asia’s employers of choice and ascertains the best employers to work for in terms of employee engagement and workplace cultures based on the judging committee’s proprietary Total Engagement Assessment Model (T.E.A.M).
Cargill has been investing heavily in making its operations safe for its people, products and planet. It operates on strictly governed risk management policies in production & business, implementing awareness raising, prevention, mitigation & recovery programs focused on safety, health and internal controls. At the same time, Cargill in Vietnam is also fostering initiatives to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace where everyone is welcome, heard and valued. These initiatives are driven by both business and Cargill Women’s Network, to build women’s capability development programs for career advancement and improvement of women representation in managerial positions, promote physical and mental health besides building nursing rooms inside plants for new mothers.
“We see this award as a both a recognition and a test,” said Duc Thang Pham, Managing Director of Cargill Animal Nutrition Thailand and Vietnam, commented upon presentation of the award. “Recognition for all that we have been able to do to keep our team motivated, loyal, and excited to be a part of our vision for Vietnam; and also, a challenge to ensure that the careers that we are building for each and every one of our team members offers them a fulfilling professional journey and inspires future generations to help innovate and propel Vietnam’s agricultural sector forward.”
“Cargill was among the first American companies to enter Vietnam in 1995 following the normalization of trade ties with the US has seen its work widely heralded as a supporter of industry, a supporter of Vietnam’s natural environment, and one of the best places for its 1400- Vietnamese team members to develop their careers – and these awards pay testament to this,” Luan concluded.